Fonatur Marina Mazatlán stops operating; transfers rights to Asipona


Last Tuesday, Fonatur signed the total transfer of rights of the Mazatlán Marina for its administration and tourism promotion to the Asipona Mazatlán. Until yesterday, it had not been reported when the transfer comes into force.

With this protocol act in the offices of the General Directorate of Port Development and Administration, around 30 years of administration of the Marina Mazatlán by Fonatur (National Tourism Fund) comes to an end.

The process of a change of administration, said Ernesto Rivera Sánchez, in charge of the Fonatur office in Marina Mazatlán, they had already been informed, since a few months ago they were asked to start changing the company name of the water, electricity and electricity bills, but they have not formally informed them if they will continue to perform the functions for which they were hired several years ago.

“We have already been working on the donation process for several months, the names are being changed, for example, in telephone services, electricity, water, etc. And we are already making all the transfers for the donation.”

The Marina Mazatlán, explains Rivera Sánchez, has a series of powers, such as managing the entry and exit of vessels that arrive in this area north of the city. In that place they sell fuel for boats, as well as the rental of premises, warehouses, docks and dry marina, and port ramp services.

The worker specifies, due to there being many areas to manage, that the office has eight elements who for a few months have been in anxiety about what is going to happen to them and their jobs.

Due to the legal changes that they have witnessed, that Fonatur is going to disappear, they know that now the Secretary of the Navy is going to manage the Marina Mazatlán, but they do not know what the next procedure will be, the only thing they are clear about is that they have employment Until december 31. Rivera Sánchez hopes that he and his colleagues will be hired again.

 Source: Debate