Only after India, China and the United States, Mexico is the fourth country in the world with the highest attendance at movie theaters. Nearly 181 million people went to the cinema during 2022.
Mexicans like to watch movies in the cinema; During 2022, around 181 million people attended the theaters, according to figures from the consulting firm PwC.
With this level, Mexico is in fourth position in the ranking of countries with the largest audience in cinemas.
After the confinement due to Covid-19 between 2020 and 2021, the population has regained the spirit to attend the cinemas. According to figures from Canacine (National Chamber of the Film Industry), in 2023 the sale of seats increased 33% compared to the year before.
In addition to being one of the countries that sells the most tickets, Mexico also has a high average attendance at movie theaters per inhabitant: each person attends 1.4 times per year.
Source: El Economista