What is the coldest place in Mexico?


Being a privileged country because it has a wide variety of climates, there are places where it is possible to experience temperatures below zero in winter.

In these days of Christmas weather, you are surely interested in knowing which is the place with the lowest temperature that you can visit, either to see snowy landscapes, or simply out of curiosity. As you know, Mexico is a privileged country because, due to its geographical location, it has a wide variety of environments, so yes, there are places where it is possible to experience below-zero temperatures during the winter and where it is also possible to see falling Snow.

The ecologiaverde.com portal presented a list in which it reveals which are those places in Mexico with the coldest climates and where you can see the environment painted white this Christmas season.

Sombrerete, Zacatecas

It is a city located at 2,300 meters above sea level. Sombrerete, in the state of Zacatecas, has once recorded minimum temperatures as low as -14 degrees, although the average minimum in winter is approximately 8.7. With mild weather throughout the year, it registers an average of 16 degrees Celsius.

Perote Chest, Veracruz

The more than 4,000 meter high volcano has around 37 days with snow per year, and an average annual minimum temperature of 1.8 degrees. It is one of the most visited destinations to see snow, as it is a protected natural area.

Iztaccíhuatl-Popocatépetl National Park

Located between the states of Puebla, Morelos and the State of Mexico, this national park is made up of the Iztaccíhuatl-Popocatépetl volcanoes; The postcards of its snowy peaks in winter are well known. They are the second and third highest volcanoes in the country, and can register temperatures of -4 to -8 degrees during winter.

Toluca, State of Mexico

At an altitude of 2,660 meters above sea level, Toluca, capital of the State of Mexico, is one of the most populated cities in Mexico, but also one of the coldest. During winter, it registers minimum temperatures of -8.6 degrees Celsius, and after the rains the intense cold season begins, which is characterized by frost.

Arteaga, Coahuila

With an average temperature of 30 degrees during the summer, in winter, Arteaga, in the state of Coahuila, has an average minimum of -10 degrees Celsius. It is one of the places where apples are harvested, and its pine forest landscapes are renowned. In this area, located in the northwest of the country, snowfall is recorded during the winter, and in fact it is known as the Switzerland of Mexico, as tourism attracts due to its spectacular views, cabin rentals, and skiing.

Orizaba Peak, Veracruz

Although Veracruz is recognized for its ports and its coastal climate, in the mountain area, in the interior of the state, it is cold and snowy environments. The main example is Pico de Orizaba, the highest volcano in Mexico and one of the highest in the world. It has very cold temperatures during the year; On average they are -12 in winter and -2 on average throughout the year; It has the largest glacier in Mexico, called the North Glacier, which extends over 9 square kilometers.

Madera City, Chihuahua

Also located in the north of Mexico, this city where snowfall is recorded in winter, is known by the National Water Commission (Conagua) as the coldest in the entire country. In 1997, when a strong “El Niño” phenomenon affected Mexico, the temperature reached -27 degrees, while in 2006 it reached -21. It is called Ciudad Madera because coniferous forests predominate, which are used by Chihuahua’s timber industry.

When does winter start in Mexico?

Although the cold season began last November, in Mexico, as well as throughout the northern hemisphere, winter 2023 begins on Thursday, December 21, 2023 and ends on Tuesday, March 19, 2024. Winter will last 89 days and will give way to spring.

Source: El Informador