Jumapam updates its rates starting in 2024; check how much they increase


The rate increase authorized for 2024 is less than what was applied this 2023, which was 7.5 percent.

MAZATLÁN. – The water bill in Mazatlán will rise next year based on the National Consumer Price Index, which as of November was 4.32 percent.

The rates for the potable water service, drainage, and sanitation for domestic users will be 4 pesos and 13 pesos for commercial users. This means that starting January 2024, domestic users will pay 104 pesos and commercial users will pay 337 pesos.

This approval was voted unanimously by the Board of Directors of Jumapam.

The municipal treasurer, Melecio Montoya Peinado, as a member of the Board of Directors of the Municipal Board of Potable Water and Sewerage of Mazatlán, emphasized that this measure is necessary for the financial health of the operating entity and complies with what is established in the Law of Potable Water and Sewerage of Sinaloa, which mandates that each year the rates be adjusted to inflationary parameters; but most importantly, the update is designed to not impact the economy of Mazatlan families, since it is not a rate increase, only an adjustment.

Is it a lot?

In fact, the rate increase authorized for 2024 is less than that applied in this year 2023, which was 7.5 percent, when the minimum payment for domestic rate service went from 93 to 100 pesos, including the support of 2 pesos to the Volunteer Fire Department.

Source: Punto