These are the new taxes and fees that will be in Mexico in 2024


This 2024 received Mexicans with new taxes, procedures and fees in their states of residence.

In Coahuila, for example, for this year the concept of “termination of concubinage” was created, to endorse the end of a couple relationship through an official document that will cost 291 pesos, the same as the concubinage certificate. While in Puebla, the fine for late vehicle verification increased by more than 600 percent, from 311 pesos to 2,074 pesos.

In Durango, Coahuila, Michoacán, Yucatán and Tamaulipas, taxi and lodging services by application, such as Uber, DiDi and Airbnb, will start paying taxes this 2024.

In the case of Coahuila, those who offer services such as Airbnb must register in the State Registry of Taxpayers, as well as keep accounting and present notices to the tax authorities.

In Durango, the expansion of the base for the Lodging Tax was approved to include digital platforms.

While, in Michoacán, a rate of three percent is contemplated on the base for the concept of Lodging Services for Airbnb, while the Uber and Didi platforms will have to pay the registration for up to 254 thousand pesos.

In the case of Yucatán, where the Transportation Agency, a state agency, was created, it is expected that it will begin to charge taxes on the Uber service, without being clear so far how much it would be.

In Tamaulipas, it is estimated that taxis by application will inject 240 million pesos into the state coffers, since they will pay a tax of two percent on their total annual income.

In addition, starting this year in Durango, razer-type vehicles will have to pay for license plates and the annual renewal.

Another of the new taxes will begin to apply this Monday, January 1 in Tamaulipas, with the so-called “green tax”, which in the past administration was wanted to be charged as a “right” and failed due to injunctions from the industrialists.

The tax outlines income of 1,515.5 million pesos, and according to official information, 8.5 times the daily value of the UMA will be paid for each ton of compounds and greenhouse gases emitted to the atmosphere.

The resources obtained will be used “to finance programs to adapt to climate change, mitigate pollution and restore ecological balance.”

In the State of Mexico, new taxes were also created in environmental matters, which must be paid for the disposal, confinement and storage of solid waste and for the emission of pollutants to water.

New traffic fines

With the new year, new traffic fines will come into operation in the State of Mexico that aim to reduce accidents and promote road culture, with rates of up to 60 Units of Measures of Update (UMAs) and 120 in the case of recidivism.

One of the new infractions will be for whoever receives, accommodates or parks vehicles on public roads that are not intended for that purpose.

As well as to those who lack permission to circulate without plates and circulation card or these documents are expired or to those who circulate without one of the vehicle plates.

In Tlaxcala, the state government imposed for this year a new system of photo-fines to sanction motorists.

Although the reform to the Regulation of the Law of Communications and Transport of the State has been in force since December 15 of last year, it will not be until the first day of February 2024 when the government headed by Lorena Cuéllar begins the imposition and collection of photo-fines.

In Michoacán, taxes for lotteries, raffles, draws and contests will be increased by a rate of six percent and 10 percent for games with bets.

While in Nayarit, taxes already established in the law will be reactivated, but that have not been collected since 2014.

Thus, the three percent tax on alcoholic beverages, the two percent on the sale of vehicles, as well as the payroll tax in all municipalities will begin to be charged.

The authorities ruled out that reactivating these taxes is a political measure, but rather a tax measure to face a possible crisis in 2024.

In Nuevo León, some municipalities requested updates on the property tax for some newly created housing complexes, as well as for industrial-commercial properties.

Source: Milenio