2023: the best year that San Miguel de Allende had, more than 2 million visitors


The tourism in San Miguel de Allende, Ambassador before Mexico and the World resulted in an economic spill of more than 6 billion pesos ($6,823,175,919), surpassing the 5 billion pesos marked in 2022

San Miguel de Allende .- Modernity, tradition, culture, luxury, gastronomy, nightlife and romance are just some of the words of the hundreds that could be used to describe what makes San Miguel de Allende a magical small town in Guanajuato that its charm turned into one of the most important cities for tourism in Mexico.

This year 2023 is over and its farewell comes the memories of the magic that was lived in San Miguel de Allende that is only a taste of what will come for 2023. Music in the alleys, delicious sugar churros, afternoons in the center, the beautiful temple of San Miguel, handicrafts in the street, the afternoons – night on the terraces watching from the height the lights of the city while you have a cocktail and a romantic night surrounded by the magic that Mexico gives off is a little of the much that there is in this city qualified as World Heritage of Humanity.

The preference of the people for tourism here is documented with numbers. In 2023 the municipality saw an increase in its reception of visitors and tourists compared to 2022, surpassing the figure of 1,864,771 tourists, with more than 2 million visitors (2,055,981).

The tourism in San Miguel de Allende, Ambassador before Mexico and the World resulted in an economic spill of more than 6 billion pesos ($6,823,175,919), surpassing the 5 billion pesos marked in 2022.

“Being pointed out as «The Crown Jewel» in the country, San Miguel de Allende continued with its work of showing itself as the Best Small City in the World after fulfilling a 2023, where it was recognized nationally and internationally by the best editorials Condé Nast and Mayors of Mexico, in addition to marking unparalleled figures in its history and consolidating its tourism strategies”, reported the Municipal Government.

In addition to this recognition, it received the award for the «Best Practices of Local Governments» in the theme: Water Management by the magazine Mayors of Mexico. It also received the award from Condé Nast as the Best Small City in the World for the fourth time.

Source: La Silla Rota