They will protect houses of illustrious people from Durango


So far, there is no clause or municipal regulation that establishes the protection of historical buildings in Durango capital, such as buildings where, beyond the architectural relevance, they have the history of the birth of illustrious characters recognized internationally.

“There are gaps in that topic in the regulations in the capital, that is why we seek to implement a catalog of the illustrious characters who were born in Durango, particularly the historic center to safeguard that property, because we cannot allow a new demolition to occur, as what happened in the house of Fanny Anitúa,” said Guillermo Juárez Compean, of the Culture Commission of Cabildo.

He said that the issue of the house where Fanny Anitúa was born, “is not a minor issue”, since she is a Durango artist of international stature, and although the property in architectural matters has not been protected by the INAH, or by Urban Development, this cannot be allowed.

The councilor detailed that the first session of the Municipal Chronicle Council 2023, this January 5, was scheduled to work on the issue of reforms, clauses or regulations, whatever is necessary to safeguard monuments, that clear parameters are established in the construction at the time of modification, restoration or construction.

“We are going to seek the updating of regulations, together with Urban Development, and thus have the adjustments in terms of protection, because in the case of Fanny Anitúa, the permit did not include the issue of demolition,” added Juárez Compean.

For the historian and researcher Miguel Vallebueno Garcinava, the construction permit for the work, was “a badly given permit by the authorities,” it was criminal hands that authorized the change in land use.

In addition, the building had on the facade the corresponding plaque that gave validity by the municipal authorities of years ago, the relevance of the property, but it was removed and the facade affected.

Fernando Ortega, architect in charge of the work in the house of Fanny Anitúa, assured that the project is for restoration and remodeling, not a demolition, since “the property had an old system”, of wooden beams, which will be respected.

The facade is planned to remain intact, as well as the installation of the corresponding plaque, with cantera elements.

The property was recently acquired by a private individual, who is paying for the work expenses.

Source: El Siglo