COVID-19 returns to Mexico: These hospitals are on the limit with 100 percent occupancy


The COVID-19 pandemic has returned to Mexico with force, causing a high demand for hospital beds in several states of the country.

According to the latest report from the Ministry of Health, as of January 12, there are 17 states that have more than 70 percent of general hospital occupancy, and six that have more than 80 percent.

The states with the highest occupancy are Mexico City (92%), Guanajuato (90%), Hidalgo (88%), State of Mexico (87%), Nuevo León (86%) and Puebla (85%).

In addition, there are 11 states that have more than 50 percent of occupancy in beds with ventilators, which are used for patients with severe respiratory problems. The most critical are Mexico City (88%), State of Mexico (82%), Nuevo León (81%), Baja California (79%) and Tlaxcala (75%).

The federal authorities have urged the population to follow the preventive measures, such as wearing a mask, washing hands, keeping a healthy distance and avoiding crowds, to reduce the risk of contagion and avoid saturating the health system.

Source: El Financiero