Sinaloa ranks second nationally in investment in social development

Nationally, Sinaloa is the second state that allocated the highest percentage of its public spending on social development during 2023, this due to what is invested in education in the state, considering the money that universities have and what is invested in educational infrastructure.

According to a breakdown that includes the public resources that depend on the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of Sinaloa carried out by the organization Política Colectiva, in Sinaloa 62.96 percent of its annual resource was spent in 2023 to serve areas for the benefit of social development such as education and health.

The ranking places the entity only below the state of Colima, which spent 63.68 of the 2023 resource on social development. In the last place of this list appears Baja California, which allocated 23.62 percent of its resources in health, education, environmental protection and culture.

The analysis includes as investment in social development the expenses located in the areas of Environmental Protection, Housing and Community Services, Health, Recreation and Culture, and Education.

Specifically, to these expenses, Sinaloa invested only 0.28 percent of its total budget of 2023 in Environmental Protection, in Housing and Services 1.12 percent, in Health 9.73 percent, in Recreation and Culture 0.54 percent, and in Education 43.92 percent of the total budget of the state was allocated.

With the investment of 43.92 percent of the total budget of the state of 2023 for education, Sinaloa became the first state that allocates the most money to this area in relation to its budget.

It should be noted that in the area of Education, the strengthening of the physical infrastructure, the expenditures on basic education and the resources that the state universities have are located.


The state of Sinaloa spent 11.53 percent of its resources in 2023 in the area of Government. This area refers to expenses that emanate from the Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches in matters of justice, legislation, security and foreign relations.

In Economic Development, 7.04 of the general budgets was spent, which placed Sinaloa in position number 6 in investment in this topic, from which areas such as fishing, transportation, agriculture, tourism, science and commercial affairs are derived.

Source: Noreste