Business climate will worsen in the next 6 months in Mexico, according to 4 out of 10 analysts surveyed by Banxico


The Bank of Mexico (Banxico) reported that 4 out of 10 economists and analysts consulted see that the business climate will not improve in the next 6 months in Mexico, despite the fact that they see a higher gross domestic product (GDP) for 2024.

“The percentage of specialists who think that the business climate will improve in the next 6 months decreased in relation to the previous month,” revealed the Survey on the Expectations of Specialists in Economics of the Private Sector January 2024 of Banxico.

“On the contrary, the fractions of analysts who believe that it will worsen or that it will remain the same increased with respect to the December survey, although the latter continued to be the predominant one,” added the survey conducted among 37 groups of analysis and economic consultancy of the national and foreign private sector.

Only 60 percent of economic analysts anticipate that the business climate will improve in the next 6 months, while 56 percent of specialists believe that everything will remain the same, he added.

According to the survey, 86 percent of economists see that the economy is currently better than a year ago, in contrast 14 percent estimate that there is not a good economic moment.

Economists and analysts consider that the Mexican economy will grow more than 2.37 percent in 2024, an inflation of 4.13 percent and an exchange rate of 18.38 pesos per dollar, the survey added, conducted between January 12 and 30 of this year.

“The expectations of real GDP growth for 2024 were revised upwards in relation to the previous survey,” they said.

Source: Forbes