Five young people from Guanajuato will spend 16 weeks at NASA and you can be one of them

Five young people from Guanajuato will be able to carry out a research stay for up to 16 weeks at NASA starting in August of this year.

From this Tuesday, February 7, and until February 19, interested young people will have the opportunity to participate in the Misión Grandeza call, for stays at NASA and for which only five will be selected, reported Antonio Navarro Padilla, director of JuventudEs GTO.

He detailed that it is estimated that the State will invest between 300 and 400 thousand pesos for each of the selected young people.

Today we are going to be the first state of the Republic that supports its young people directly to be able to do a stay at NASA. They are up to 16 weeks in a research project that NASA determines. “

“The scholarship includes the issue of expenses, which will run on our part, with issues of lodging, food and transportation and that our young people can finally participate in this type of calls,” he said.

Who can participate?

The objective of the Misión Grandeza call is to provide support to the Guanajuato youth to carry out a research stay at NASA and is aimed at undergraduate and graduate students in specific areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics from public and private schools with an average higher than 8.5.

Navarro Padilla affirmed that in this scholarship an average is required because they seek to participate the best profiles, he also explained that JuventudEs GTO will send to NASA the profiles of the young people who apply in this call.

The profiles will be evaluated first by JuventudEs and the Mexican Space Agency, then they will go to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration or NASA who will finally determine which are the five suitable profiles to be able to do this research stay, “he stressed.

12 days to participate for a stay at NASA

Regarding the 12 days that the call will remain open, Navarro considered that it is enough time for those interested to gather the requirements and participate.

“Two or three days after we opened, the system is saturated and if we do not reach the five people who apply, we are empowered to extend the periods,” he said.

The requirements to apply in this call that will close on February 19 at 11:59 at night or until reaching 20 records can be consulted on the page and on the social networks of JuventudEs GTO.

Finally, it was reported that on February 28 of the current year, the pre-selected young people will be announced and as of May 24, the Mexican Space Agency will deliver to the selected ones letters of recommendation, indications, as well as a letter of presentation and entry to NASA.

Source: AM