For pedestrian safety! The “Pasos mágicos Mazatlán” crossing is inaugurated


In the Villa Galaxia neighborhood, authorities inaugurate a multi-colored pedestrian crossing so that students, neighbors and pedestrians can cross safely.

With the aim of reducing the risk of accidents and collisions, and increasing the safety of pedestrians when crossing the streets and avenues of the municipality, a brightly colored pedestrian crossing was inaugurated in the Villa Galaxia neighborhood, at the intersection of Juan Pablo II Avenue and Anaxágoras Street.

This is the “Magic Steps Mazatlán” project promoted by the Municipal Institute of Urban Planning of Mazatlán, explained Leticia Alvarado Fuentes, director of the Municipal Institute of Urban Planning of Mazatlán (Implan).

This is the “Magic Steps Mazatlán” project promoted by the Municipal Institute of Urban Planning of Mazatlán. Photo: Abraham Domínguez.

She explained that the objective of creating colorful and visible pedestrian crossings is to guarantee the safety and tranquility of people who travel through the streets and avenues of the port, since this is intended to make motorists yield to pedestrians and avoid collisions.

“That the crossing for pedestrians is safe, that the places where they should cross are visible, and that it is a sign of consideration for cars, so that they can stop. So that pedestrians are visible and try to reduce the number of accidents that occur. This crossing is very conflictive because there are many students around and elderly people.”

The objective of creating colorful and visible pedestrian crossings is to guarantee the safety and tranquility of people. Photo: Abraham Domínguez.

The director of Implan specified that this work was thanks to the joint work and initiative of Art on the Asphalt of Bloomberg Philanthropies, which contributed 25 thousand dollars to make this project full of color and magic a reality.

She said that in this first crossing of “Magical Steps Mazatlán” the artist Carlos Loíza “Lesor” was involved in giving color and design, the Comex company that donated paintings, as well as schools and companies that contributed financially for the realization of this project.

The official also highlighted that residents of the Villa Galaxia neighborhood and volunteers collaborated to paint the space.

At the opening event were members of the Municipal Youth Institute of Mazatlán, the College of Architects, as well as students from the Ford 31 “Lázaro Cárdenas” elementary school, and from the Federal Secondary School number 2 “Leyes de Reforma”.

Source: lineadirectaportal