Massacre in Jalisco: Four dead… three were minors

The events occurred early Friday morning in the El Vergel neighborhood of said municipality, where multiple subjects arrived in a sedan vehicle.

Two of them got out of the car with long weapons and fired shots at the attendees at the meeting and then fled.

Municipal police responded to the emergency call to find a teenager and an adult dead. They also located another adult and five minors injured, so they called ambulances to take them to a hospital.

Later, they confirmed the death of a young woman and another young man, both minors.

The Jalisco prosecutor, Luis Joaquín Méndez Ruíz, said that after deploying an operation to search for those responsible, they managed to find the car they used to arrive and flee the site of the attack; he indicated that the vehicle was stolen hours before near the site where the massacre was perpetrated.

Source: tiempo