Priest from Suchiate, Chiapas, criticizes AMLO in peace march: “He leaves a country the same or worse than the previous ones”

Sacerdote de Suchiate, Chiapas critica a AMLO en marcha por la paz: "Deja un país igual o peor que los anteriores". Foto: Especial

Heading a peace march in the municipality of Suchiate in Chiapas, where two criminal organizations are fighting over territory, the priest of the parish of San Andrés Apóstol, Heyman Vázquez Medina, declared that President Andrés Manuel López Obrador “leaves a country equal to or worse than the previous governments” of the PRI and the PAN.

Hundreds of men and women, dressed in white, participated in the pilgrimage that took place in the main streets of Suchiate, which is located on the border with Guatemala and is the entry point for thousands of immigrants from Asia, Africa and America, mainly, to ask the three levels of government for security and to combat criminal groups.

The Catholics were led by the priest Heyman Vázquez Medina, who for several years has worked in the defense and assistance of migrants, who pass through the diocese of Tapachula, on their way to the northern border.

With white balloons and religious images, the participants of the pilgrimage arrived at the central park of Ciudad Hidalgo, which is the municipal seat of Suchiate, where the priest Heyman Vázquez Medina, who is a member of the Human Mobility pastorate of the diocese of Tapachula, officiated a homily where he criticized the presence of the National Guard and the Army, since it has only served to intimidate and threaten citizens. “Their presence has not meant a decrease in crime and although there are repeated complaints of the presence of criminals, it seems that they are not visible to the corporations,” he said.

He added that as Catholics they see that a government works for peace and does not provoke violence, as PAN governments did. “We agree with the policy of hugs, not bullets, when citizens are respected, but when there are deaths, kidnappings, extortion, cartel clashes where people’s lives are put in danger, the government has to act ensuring the security of society,” he considered.

“With Andrés Manuel López Obrador we had hope for a real change for our country, but after almost six years of government, insecurity, corruption, impunity, abuse of authority, the fabrication of crimes against those who are inconvenient, continues,” the priest denounced. “The 4T continues to be a slogan. President Andrés Manuel López Obrador leaves a country the same or worse than previous governments,” he added.

“We ask ourselves: What has to happen for the government to accept that there is insecurity? And fulfill its duty to give us security,” questioned the priest who years ago set up the Casa del Migrante in the municipality of Huixtla, with money he had saved to make a trip to Jerusalem.

In the homily the priest read the verse from Matthew 16,26: “We remind the authorities and the cartels that we will all give an account to God of our actions, we invite them not to endanger their salvation. What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, if he loses his life?”

“May God enlighten us all to be peacemakers, and may we work to build a society where we live as brothers,” he asked.

Source: eluniversal