Tourism in Campeche Reached 70% Occupancy

Surpassing the tourism occupancy of 2023, this year Campeche recorded 70% tourism occupancy.

The influx of tourists during this summer vacation period resulted in a 70% occupancy rate in the capital city’s hotel rooms. This exceeded the sector’s expectations, which had projected a 65% occupancy rate.

Héctor Eduardo Cámara Mijangos, president of the Mexican Association of Hotels and Motels (AMHyM) in Campeche, highlighted the presence of national visitors. However, he also noted the significant attendance of people from other nationalities who toured the city and various points in the state.

Cámara Mijangos added that, crunching the numbers, they are five percent above what they had calculated, forecasting a 65% hotel occupancy rate. Compared to the summer vacation period of 2023, which had a 62% occupancy rate, this 2024 period is eight percent higher in terms of occupied rooms.

Regarding visitors, he specified that national tourists were the majority; however, he noted that the number of international visitors is increasing year by year. He considered that aspects such as the Tren Maya are driving the increase in the number of visitors, as this is the most important vacation period of the year. Previously, Campeche was a transit destination; however, he asserted that it is now the main destination for vacationers.

He pointed out that in the last week, they detected that many people coming from the Riviera Maya take advantage of the opportunity to visit Campeche as their final stop. He suggested that given the preliminary figures, they can predict that the numbers for December will be better, as sectors like the Tren Maya and companies arriving in the city for the construction of the gas pipeline contribute to the increase in occupancy.

He added that, in addition to the above, there are events generated by conventions, which he predicted will also help increase the numbers. He announced that they are also preparing for the topic of tourism promotion, with the development of the campaign and the means of dissemination to make it known. He considered that everything must add up to trigger results before the December vacation period.

Regarding the accommodation offered by the Airbnb platform, he expressed that the number of establishments offering digital bookings remains stable. Although they are not affecting them, they are “part of the offer that exists,” he noted. He said that users often prefer this type of establishment.

Source: Por Esto