Alternative routes to go from Cuautla to Cuernavaca with the one-month closure: What is known

Rutas alternativas para ir de Cuautla a Cuernavaca con el cierre de un mes

With the total closure of the section of the highway in the direction of Tepoztlán-Cuernavaca, Entronque a Cuautla, from August 19 to September 26, the Government of Mexico has announced new alternative routes for the route from Cuautla to Cuernavaca. To facilitate traffic, orange road signs have been implemented and trained personnel have been placed at strategic points.

How to get from Cuautla to Cuernavaca?

Given this situation, the Secretariat of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation (SICT) reported that road works will be carried out to complete the adaptation of the Entronque “A Cuautla” at kilometer 70+500 of the Mexico-Cuernavaca Highway.

These works forced the total closure of traffic in the Cuautla-Cuernavaca direction, from the “Tepoztlán” Toll Plaza section kilometer 7+500 to kilometer 0+000 (“A Cuautla” Junction), in the direction of the state capital, while the opposite section continues to operate.

For the transportation of private cars and passengers, it is recommended to take the following routes:

Heavy traffic, on the other hand, should opt for Jantetelco-Cuernavaca (Siglo XXI Highway).

One of the fastest roads to get to Cuernavaca is to take the detour on route 160, which takes approximately one hour and 13 minutes.

With this cut, it is possible that certain delays or traffic inconveniences may occur, so it is recommended to anticipate the departure and consider alternative routes. Also, it is important to take extreme precautions and respect the speed limits.

According to official information, the La Pera-Cuautla Junction is part of the modernization of the La Pera-Cuautla highway, which allows a saving of more than 30 minutes in time and benefits more than 900 thousand people. Once the project is completed, it is expected to provide greater road safety to the tourist and commercial area of ​​the region.

When does the closure of the Tepoztlán-Cuernavaca Highway end?

The closure began yesterday and will end on Thursday, September 26, 2024 at 7 p.m.

Source: adn40