Major film producers show interest in filming in Durango

On his working tour of Los Angeles, California, Governor Esteban Villegas Villarreal and his entourage visited the Sony studios, where they held a meeting with senior executives of this production company to present and show what the “land of cinema” offers and how impressive Durango is.

This was highlighted by the state governor, who highlighted the efforts being made so that said company can bring its productions to the state of Durango, among which a new back lot stands out, as well as the construction of studios so that they can bring their productions to the state.

State Government

And after having visited the different film sets, they took them as a reference to learn and understand the technical needs that studios of this size have and thus settle in the state; “there has been a lot of interest in traveling and filming in Durango, we are sure that we will achieve a good partnership with them to be able to bring more productions to our state,” he said.

The governor was accompanied on this tour of Sony studios by the Secretary of Economic Development, Fernando Rosas Palafox; Elisa Haro Ruiz, Secretary of Tourism; Arturo Ortiz Galán, Head of the Foreign Investment Unit; Jaciel Chacón Bueno, Director General of Strategic Projects and Programs; Sergio Gutiérrez Barraza, Director of Cinematography; José Raúl Sosa García, Coordinator of the Assistantship; and Víctor Hugo Hernández Fuentes, Director of Social Communication.

Source: elsoldedurango