Guanajuato suffers second massacre; direct attacks continue

Ocho horas antes, cuatro personas fallecieron en ataques simultáneos contra dos joyerías, ubicadas a escasa distancia una de otra, en la zona Centro del Celaya. EL INFORMADOR / ARCHIVO

The wave of violence that is ravaging Guanajuato is not stopping and a new attack has left people dead.

In a second massacre recorded this Monday in the Laja Bajío Zone, four men were killed by a criminal group that shot them outside a wine and grocery store where they had come to buy drinks.

Three people died outside the “Super 5”, in the San Juan neighborhood, on the side of the Salvatierra-Celaya highway, and their partner on the way to a hospital.

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The victims arrived at the business around 8:30 p.m., after leaving work; when they were talking, individuals on a motorcycle arrived and opened fire on them.

A young woman was allegedly shot inside the business, another one near the motorcycles and the third one meters ahead.

Eight hours earlier, four people died in simultaneous attacks against two jewelry stores, located a short distance from each other, in the Centro area of ​​Celaya.

In another incident, during the early hours of August 26, 2024, Criminal Investigation Agents acted upon the discovery of two burned people in a Celaya taxi that was set on fire on the Yuriria-Valle de Santiago highway, near the El Xoconoxtle community.

Drivers traveling on the highway reported the incident to the 911 Emergency System, which prompted the arrival of emergency personnel to the site.

The bodies of the eight people killed in the two massacres and those burned were admitted to the Forensic Medical Service in the state capital. In none of the events did they manage to arrest those responsible.

Source: informador