INAH Colima asks property owners to collaborate to prevent archaeological looting

It is not easy to avoid the looting of archaeological pieces, but we do speak with the owners of the properties so that they collaborate in the conservation of these, indicated the director of the INAH Colima Center, Julio Ignacio Martínez de la Rosa.

The official of the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH), indicated that the majority of the archaeological pieces found in Colima are registered, “they are observed, they are seen, they are analyzed and they are sent to the national registry that the INAH has of these archaeological assets.”

He mentioned that they speak with the owners of where the pieces are found and they are asked to please help them preserve them, that is, avoid looting, “that is what we do, it is not easy because not everyone understands it.”

Martínez de la Rosa said that in the north of the state, in the Carrizalillos area, they have been with several owners, some of whom have even called them to come and see the pieces and register them.

Source: elcomentario