Cancun: hotel industry calls for a tough approach against those blocking the airport


The hotel sector in Cancun has formalized a request to Sedetur to control the blockades that have occurred at the entrance to the Cancun airport, as this affects the arrival of tourists and the promotion they carry out.

“It seems that it is already becoming customary to hold demonstrations and marches, which affects any effort to promote tourism, and we do not understand why the sectors that depend on tourism are the ones that are being affected the most,” said Jesús Almaguer, president of the Association of Hotels in Cancun, Puerto Morelos and Isla Mujeres.

Almaguer asks that laws with punishments be created to prevent demonstrations with blockades from affecting the hotel zone and the airport, as they are taking place more frequently and they are not aware of the damage they cause.

“Therefore, we urge the Government to take measures to prevent a greater impact. And that the expense of promoting tourism is not thrown away,” added Almaguer.

Source: reportur