Member of the LGBT+ community will be a local deputy in Chiapas


The State Electoral Court decided to remove Sahara Munira José Flores from the list of local plurinominal deputies, for being ineligible and representing a fraud to the quota of sexual diversity and due to an evident simulation, that is, she is not a lesbian woman and not recognized by the LGBTTIQ+ community.

Therefore, the position must be assumed by María Teresa Campos Flores who was the substitute of the sister-in-law of Senator Sasil de León Villard and will take the oath as local deputy on October 1 of this year, the date on which the baton of the 40 deputies and 123 municipalities of Chiapas will be renewed.

What Tere Campo hopes is that the Institute of Elections and Citizen Participation will give her the certificate as local deputy by way of proportional representation and in turn appoint the alternate María Guadalupe Aguilar Rodríguez, originally from Venustiano Carranza.

Source: imagenradio