This is the Hacienda in Palenque where AMLO will live after his retirement

Andrés Manuel López Obrador ends his six-year term as president of Mexico this Monday, September 30, and with that, he will also be able to retire from political life and only dedicate himself to the activities he has planned at his country house “La chingada,” located in Palenque, Chiapas.

According to the founder of the National Regeneration Movement (MORENA) party, a few days after completing his term he will retire and will not return to give an opinion or participate in politics, and will not receive anyone other than Claudia Sheinbaum, his successor in the presidential chair.

“With all due respect and affection, I will not receive anyone who has to do with politics, it will be to distance myself from everything, retiring will mean not participating or even giving an opinion again,” he repeated on several occasions from the first days of his mandate.

Likewise, AMLO previously said that at his country house on the Pakalmá-Palenque highway he plans to write a book and continue studying, now that he will have time.

What is “La chingada” like, the hacienda where AMLO will live?

The country house where López Obrador will live from the first days of his retirement was built by his mother, who left one hectare as an inheritance to each of her six children, but AMLO, being the eldest, also received the house that is on the estate.

At the “La chingada” country house, AMLO will be able to have shade wherever he wants to be because the land is surrounded by huge trees and even, where the president had revealed in a YouTube documentary, a small lagoon.

“This is the best site, the best place, where I strengthen myself most spiritually,” said Andrés Manuel López Obrador about his country house in Palenque.

He also explained that as a medical indication he had to walk, and the place where he will live his retirement is suitable for his health as it has ample space to go for a walk without having to leave the country house.

Why is AMLO’s country house called “La chingada”?
According to the president, the property is registered as “La chingada” because it was registered that way by a Zapatista leader named Genovevo de la O.

According to the story, when Genovevo was asked where he was going, he always responded “a la chingada” and that is why AMLO named it that way.

Source: elsoldemexico