This is the most outstanding tourist place in Durango, according to Artificial Intelligence

The Sierra Madre Occidental mountain range runs through Durango territory, offering great natural spectacles for everyone to enjoy; it is located throughout western Mexico, displaying its wonder also in Zacatecas, Chihuahua, Sonora, Sinaloa, Aguascalientes, Nayarit and Jalisco.

This mountain range is precisely one of the most attractive natural settings for the human eye, and also for Artificial Intelligence (AI). The Sierra de Órganos National Park is formed there, and although only five percent of it is located in Durango territory, it is considered one of the most outstanding tourist places for AI.

“A prominent tourist place in Durango is the mountain range, especially the area of ​​the Sierra de Órganos National Park,” he responded to a direct question from El Sol de Durango, and as if that were not enough, Artificial Intelligence listed the reasons for such consideration:

Rock Formations: Its peculiar rock and mountain formations are impressive and create a unique landscape, ideal for photography and hiking.

Biodiversity: The mountain range is home to a wide variety of flora and fauna, making it an excellent place for nature lovers and birdwatchers.

Outdoor Activities: It offers opportunities for hiking, climbing, mountain biking, and camping, making it perfect for adventurers.

Pleasant Climate: Its altitude provides a cooler climate, especially in the summer, making it an ideal escape from the heat.

Located east of Durango, approximately an hour and a half away from the historic center, the Sierra de Órganos National Park has its largest territory in Sombrerete, Zacatecas, and in a low percentage it reaches the land of scorpions.

According to the National Commission of Protected Natural Areas (CONANP) on its platform, it stands out for its columnar rock formations of rhyolite sculpted by erosion. “They say that the name is due to its similarity to organs, characteristic of the area, although it is also said that it is due to its similar appearance to musical organs. Various famous films have been shot in its landscapes.”

The representative species of the place are: coyote, lynx, peregrine falcon, gray fox, fox, ringtail, stone pine, pine nut, oak, manzanita, nopal, barrel cactus, acacia, and cattail.

Source: elsoldedurango