The Government of Mexico continues to provide assistance and protection to Mexicans in Lebanon

El Gobierno de México continúa con la asistencia y protección de personas mexicanas en Líbano

The Government of Mexico continues with support and protection actions for the evacuation of Mexican people in Lebanon
Mexico expresses its gratitude to the governments of Australia and Canada for incorporating seven Mexican people who have requested to leave Lebanon on humanitarian flights

In response to and following up on the actions of consular assistance and protection for Mexican people in Lebanon, it is reported that today a group of six Mexican people left on a flight to Istanbul, Turkey, with the support of the Government of Canada. The people were received by Ambassador José Luis Martínez y Hernández, the person in charge of the Consular Section in Ankara, Araceli Yali Noriega Curtis, and the support of the consul in charge in Istanbul, Minister José Eduardo Buenrostro Vielmas.

Also, on Friday, October 11, one person left for Cyprus, with the support of the Government of Australia, who was received by the Mexican ambassador in Greece, Alejandro García Moreno, who went to the airport in Larnaca to ensure their arrival. Some people will travel to Mexico as their final destination, while others will remain in Europe.

We express our gratitude to the governments of Australia and Canada for incorporating Mexicans who have requested to leave the country on these humanitarian flights. Our embassy in Lebanon maintains permanent communication with those who have decided to remain in the country and continues to identify all possible exit routes.


Source: gob