Paisano Program in Chihuahua begins on Monday


The Secretary of Public Security of the State, Gilberto Loya, announced that this Monday the Paisano Program will begin, with security and assistance operations on the main highways of Chihuahua.

Loya explained that since the Buen Fin an operation is deployed in 13 key cities, prioritizing commercial areas and routes used by countrymen returning from the United States to visit their relatives in the state or continue to other destinations.

The operation, which is carried out in coordination with the National Guard, Immigration and the Attorney General’s Office, includes assistance points to attend to vehicle emergencies or any other need of travelers. In addition, the Secretariat of Internal Affairs will be active to receive and channel possible complaints against authorities.

“We have traceability on the highways and state roads, from Ciudad Juárez, Ojinaga, Palomas and other key points, to guarantee the security and tranquility of the countrymen,” said the official.

Source: netnoticias