Guadalajara Airport adds 8 new air routes


To take advantage of the best time of the year and good ticket sales, eight new air routes were announced leaving Guadalajara, four of which are direct flights to cities in the United States, reported the Secretary of Tourism of Jalisco, Michelle Fridman. “And today we are very happy to be able to not only present these eight new routes, and new routes because they started relatively few days ago, they started in December, but I remember that even before taking office I went to meet with friends from Viva and they told me we want to present these routes with the help of Governor Pablo Lemus, and that is why I told them well we will present them a few days later, since we are in office, but they are routes that help us enrich the connectivity we have, new routes with Mexicali, with Ciudad Obregón, with Puerto Escondido, with Torreón, internationally with Las Vegas, Dallas, San Antonio and Oakland.

It is estimated that with these destinations alone, the number of passengers at the Miguel Hidalgo International Airport of Guadalajara will increase by one million, and the head of Sectur announced that four more will be announced next week. During the announcement, they assured that the new routes to destinations such as Oakland, Dallas and Las Vegas will facilitate the arrival of international visitors, promoting the culture and traditions of Jalisco.

From January to October of this year, Guadalajara registered a 13 percent growth in passengers and Puerto Vallarta 18 percent. The estimate is that Jalisco will close this year with 20.2 million passengers, with Mexico City, Tijuana and Monterrey as the main points of origin; and in the case of international destinations, Los Angeles, Dallas and Houston.

Source: jalisco.quadratin