The Nochixtlán Victims Committee (Covic-Nochixtlán) denounced that Judge Guadalupe Patricia Hernández Juárez ordered the release of police officers Juan Peralta Álvarez and Carlos Guerrero Romero, responsible for the murder of eight people in the massacre of June 19, 2016, in Nochixtlán, Oaxaca.
After nine and a half hours of hearing for the amparo trial, the circuit judge ordered the change of precautionary measure, so that Juan Peralta, former head of reaction of the Secretariat of Public Security of the Government of Oaxaca, and Carlos Romero, commander of the defunct Federal Police, can carry out the process in freedom.
Professor Santiago Ambrocio Hernández, president of Covic-Nochixtlán, held Hernández Juárez responsible “for any physical or psychological aggression that the victims of June 19 may have”; He also denied the argument that the police had health problems, since their medical certificates show the opposite.
Ambrocio Hernández, at a rally in front of the Oaxaca government palace, denounced that the federal Judiciary, in collusion with the government of Claudia Sheinbaum, is covering up the murderers of the Nochixtlán massacre.
“One of them (the police) is responsible for five deaths of colleagues and another for three of them, which is scientifically proven, which tested positive for their weapons… of the 80 wounded by bullets, one of the police is responsible for 27 bullet wounds and another for 28,” said Santiago Ambrocio.
With this release, five of the police involved in the June 19 massacre are free, confirming the impunity with which the federal Judiciary acts, said the president of Covic-Nochixtlán.
Risk of the murderers fleeing
Ambrocio Hernández expressed the victims’ concern that the police will evade justice and that, with that, the massacre ordered by Enrique Peña Nieto’s government will go unpunished.
First, because “they have no property in Oaxaca… and on the other hand, their career has made them bodyguards of a former governor of Puebla, they have political connections, that is why the judge could not release them,” said Ambrocio Hernández.
Context of the events of June 19 in Nochixtlán, Oaxaca
On June 19, 2016, Section 22 of the National Coordinator of Education Workers (CNTE) held a national day of mobilization demanding the repeal of the educational reform.
President Enrique Peña Nieto ordered the intervention of the Federal Police, so agents of that corporation moved to Oaxaca to repress that teachers’ struggle, which had broad popular support.
On its way, the convoy of federal police heading to the city of Oaxaca was rejected by a demonstration of teachers and inhabitants of different towns in the Mixteca region of Oaxaca, with a massive demonstration on the Oaxaca-Mexico highway, near Asunción Nochixtlán.
In response to the demonstration, the federal police, with the support of state and municipal police, fired on the civilian population, leaving more than 80 wounded with firearms. The eight people killed by the police were the following:
Jesús Cadena Sánchez
Oscar Luna Aguilar
Yalid Jiménez Santiago
Omar Gonzáles Santiago
Anselmo Cruz Aquino
Oscar Nicolás Santiago
Silvano Sosa Chávez
Jhovan Azarel Galán Mendoza
Source: amexi