The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT) rejected the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) of the tourist real estate project “Punta La Paz”, promoted by the company La Paz Partners, S. de R.L. de C.V. The complex was intended to be developed on a surface of 52,356 hectares, on the Punta Colorada peninsula, adjacent to the La Paz-El Tecolote highway.
According to official documents, the project contemplated the change of land use on forest lands for the construction, operation and maintenance of a tourist and residential real estate development. The planned infrastructure included a hotel, a beach club, a desalination and water treatment plant, a wastewater treatment plant, among others.
In its resolution, SEMARNAT indicated that the project does not comply with current environmental regulations and could cause serious damage to coastal ecosystems, particularly the Balandra Flora and Fauna Protection Area.
Main observations of SEMARNAT:
The project omitted the presence of mangroves in the area, a key ecosystem for biodiversity.
It did not consider the impacts on the nearby Puerto Gato mangrove, putting its conservation at risk.
The assessment of environmental impacts was deficient and the proposed mitigation measures were insufficient.
The construction of a deep well and a desalination plant could alter the hydrological balance and generate brine contamination.
Consequently, SEMARNAT determined that the project is not compatible with environmental protection and recommended a more rigorous assessment of the impacts, as well as the implementation of more effective measures for the conservation of ecosystems.
In addition, it was found that, despite not having the MIA, infrastructure had already been built on the site. According to document PFPA/10.1/8C.17.4/1128/2023 from the Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection (PROFEPA) in Baja California Sur, a technical visit revealed the existence of the following works:
Six palapas.
A ramp for people with disabilities.
A parking area with a retaining wall.
A rough construction in poor condition.
A perimeter fence.
A concrete platform with four cisterns and pipes.
A security booth.
SEMARNAT informed La Paz Partners, S. de R.L. de C.V. that, if it wishes to obtain environmental approval, it must rethink its project and also regularize the works already carried out.
Source: tribunademexico