Michoacán captivates with its cultural wealth in Sonora during FAOT 2025


With more than 30 artists, Michoacán is performing at the Alfonso Ortiz Tirado Festival (FAOT), one of the most important events for the arts in Mexico, which this year expects the visit of 100 thousand people.

The Secretary of Culture of Michoacán, Tamara Sosa Alanís, highlighted that it is within the framework of the 40th anniversary of the festival that the state joins Colombia as a special guest to share its traditions and rich cultural heritage.

In La Alameda square, the Pindekuecha group opened the program with its sones and pirekuas; while this Saturday the Danaus Ensemble of Breathos, the Jadhex group and an exhibition of the Purépecha ball game will continue to highlight the cultural diversity of Michoacán. Among their proposals, the ancestral sounds of the lake area and the historical practice of uarhukua, the Purépecha ball game, stand out.

Michoacán’s participation in this special edition of FAOT underlines the value of sharing the rich cultural heritage with the rest of the country, showcasing the depth of its traditions and the vitality of its artistic scene.

The festival offers an impressive cultural program with more than 970 artists, musicians, lecturers and workshop leaders, and a varied offering ranging from orchestral and chamber music to jazz, trova, bolero, dance and theater, among others.

Source: mimorelia