In the country, nahuales are mythical figures deeply connected to ancestral beliefs, described as people capable of transforming into animals. These anthropomorphic creatures are often associated with protection or the use of powers over others. According to Mesoamerican mythology, a nahual is a shaman or witch who maintains a spiritual bond with an animal, his protective spirit, and can adopt its form to carry out different acts.
In recent days, there have been reports of alleged sightings of nahuales in forested areas of northern Mexico.
On social media, there has been a great stir due to the appearance of videos showing alleged sightings of these legendary beings. And there is news to come, as these phenomena are generating more and more interest and debate about the existence of nahuales today.
Supposed nahual caught in La Moneda in the north of the country
In recent weeks, the number of videos circulating on social media showing alleged sightings of nahuals running in La Moneda in the north of the country has increased.
These mysterious creatures, protagonists of ancient Mesoamerican legends, have captured the attention of users who claim to have seen strange figures or supernatural transformations near the town of La Moneda, in the north of Mexico.
In this town, there was a face-to-face encounter between 2 people with this mysterious creature. Giant footprints were reported that have claws in each of their marks. It was said that “it looks like they are the footprints of a huge coyote.” A few seconds later, a neighbor in the area gives a compelling testimony:
“I don’t know if it’s a beast or a nahual,” said the resident. Then, both people were distracted by hearing strange noises behind them, and when they turned around, they came across a scene that left them speechless.
In the distance, a man with green eyes that emit an intense glow can be seen. Upon noticing the presence of these people, he runs out of the place while covering his face.
Some speculate that it could be Alejandro Speitzer. Could he be a nahual? There are many people commenting on social media about this link with the actor and these videos we have been talking about. Stay tuned to find out more about this that has us on the edge of the knife.
What power does a nahual have?
You have probably heard of the belief that we are all born with an animal spirit that can manifest itself as a jaguar, a bird, a squirrel or a snake. This essence, known as a nahual, drives us to act instinctively in the face of dangers or challenges in life.
According to various cultures originating in Mexico, shamans, healers and witches are those who manage to establish the greatest contact with their nahual. This bond gives them deep knowledge that makes them figures worthy of respect; However, this connection can also make them dangerous.
Legends tell of some witches and shamans practicing dark rituals to acquire the form and abilities of their nahual. By transforming into animals, they become aggressive, attacking their enemies, stealing babies, or killing farm animals to feed on their blood.
Nahuales are also said to be able to hypnotize, cause illness, and even death to those who confront them. In case you ever encounter one… To stop them, it is necessary to find and burn the human remains they left behind when they transformed.

Source: chilango