The Secretary of Government (Sego), Jesús Romero López, assured that up to this moment there is no report of a massive return of migrants to the state of Oaxaca from the United States.
The official reported that from January 20 to 31, after the entry of President Donald Trump, so far they only have a record of 469 people who have returned to Oaxacan territory.
He explained that this number is lower than that of 2023 and 2024, where 1,667 and 1,051 people were reported respectively to the state of Oaxaca.
He pointed out that up to this moment there are no figures for those deported from January 1 to 19, although there is talk of at least 450 people, which is yet to be confirmed.
He pointed out that these figures show that the deportation has not been massive, but what he clarified that does concern them is the fact that minors have been detected, traveling alone for the American dream.
He said that in this deportation of 469 people, at least six minors were detected in the modules of the Oaxacan Institute of Migrants that are located on the border and that they are receiving attention from the State DIF.
Of this number of deported migrants, he said that only two decided to return to Oaxaca and the rest remained.
In this sense, Jesús Romero López insisted that the deportations have not been massive at this time, and they are waiting to see the effects that the policies of President Donald Trump to deport migrants may bring.

Source: cuartaplana