Mateo, the child murdered by a doctor in León, Guanajuato, is said goodbye; the Prosecutor’s Office is looking for another suspect


Mateo’s case has gone viral on social media and has generated outrage, as the 12-year-old boy lost his life at the hands of a doctor he was helping in León.

Mateo was in the first year of high school and helped out at a medical office with some errands. He disappeared on February 4 and his family was looking for him on social media and throughout the area where he lived.

Thanks to surveillance videos, it was confirmed that Mateo arrived at the office, so they looked for the doctor who worked there. Dr. Christian ‘N’ tried to commit suicide and confessed that he had taken the child’s life and said where he had left the body.

On February 7, Mateo’s body was found in a remote area on the border of Jalisco and Guanajuato. N+ has compiled statements from family and friends.

“It’s anguish, it hurts us and no one is exempt from something like this happening.”
“We are all angry”

“We are very hurt that the slums cannot walk in peace”
On February 10, family, friends and the society of Guanajuato joined together to say goodbye to Mateo, between sadness and indignation.

As reported by the AM newspaper of León, Guanajuato, Mateo’s relatives were received with applause by dozens of people waiting in the Benedict XVI plaza, in front of the Cathedral. Shouts of “Justice, justice” greeted the coffin…

At the high school where Mateo studied, they said goodbye to him with a photo and flowers on the desk he used…

There may be a second subject involved

The Attorney General’s Office of the State of Guanajuato reported that they are investigating a possible second culprit in Mateo’s murder. In a bulletin, they reported: “The Attorney General’s Office has established a solid line of investigation that points to the possible participation of a third party, who has already been identified, this with the purpose of bringing him to justice. The violence that took his life cannot and should not go unanswered.”

According to unofficial reports, the second person involved is also a doctor.

Meanwhile, Christian ‘N’, the doctor who tried to take his own life, is now out of danger and is being protected by the authorities.


Source: tvynovelas