Insecurity in Sinaloa continues to affect Durango: CANACO


The growing insecurity in the neighboring state of Sinaloa is worrying and is negatively impacting commerce in Durango, according to Beatriz Zamora, president of the National Chamber of Small Commerce (CANACOPE) of Durango.

“The situation that Durango is facing creates uncertainty for those who wish to travel on the Durango-Sinaloa highway, due to the insecurity that exists in the region,” said the local businesswoman.

Zamora stressed that not only is commerce affected in the state, but also the tourism sector, which has generated concern among both citizens and visitors.

While waiting for an improvement in the situation, the members of CANACO have chosen to use the Durango-Zacatecas highway, which, she explained, has a greater presence of the National Guard, which provides greater security and peace of mind to business owners.

On the other hand, she reported that, almost a month before closing the first quarter of the year, it is expected to reach the sales figures of previous years. However, sales remain low, especially in the historic center of the capital

Zamora also highlighted the low financial solvency faced by local merchants, who have already begun to express their discontent with the current situation. For this reason, they hope that in the coming months the conditions will improve, he concluded.
