This is what you should do if you are driving on the Durango – Mazatlán Superhighway and you run out of brakes


Although in most cases drivers try to check their vehicle before going out on the road, so that the car is in the best condition, unforeseen events can still occur in its operation.

With this in mind and in order to avoid accidents or damage as much as possible in the event of an accident, there are a series of recommendations that you can follow in case you run out of brakes when traveling on the Durango – Mazatlán Superhighway.

What to do if you run out of brakes on the Durango – Mazatlán Superhighway?

If when traveling on the Durango – Mazatlán Superhighway you notice that your vehicle’s brakes fail, it is ideal for you to know that there are braking ramps along the road and how to use them. These ramps are located at the following locations:

Kilometer 23+700, Body B, Right Side
Kilometer 144+000, Body A, Right Side
Kilometer 155+600, Body A, Right Side

How do you use the braking ramps on the Durango – Mazatlán Superhighway?

To enter them, it is important that you remain alert to the signs that indicate how much time is left to arrive and prepare yourself. Stay in your lane, as these are located on the right side of the road.

Stay calm and turn on your emergency lights to alert others. If there are other vehicles in front, change your lights and use your horn.

Once close, follow the red line that guides you to the ramp. Keep the steering wheel firmly in a straight position when you have entered the ramp and until the vehicle stops.

Other actions you can take if you run out of brakes on the Durango – Mazatlán Superhighway

Other recommendations you can take into account in case you run out of brakes are the following. Some may seem obvious as you read them, but remember that when we panic or get nervous about the situation, we tend to forget the obvious as well. Stay calm and think about the following.

Take your foot off the accelerator.
Use the engine brake.
Steer your vehicle toward a shoulder or hard shoulder.
Avoid activating the handbrake or turning off the engine suddenly

Source: posta