Monterrey police subdue and beat a couple of LGBT women


The singer ‘Lucio’ denounced with a video through her Instagram account that she was kicked by police after defending her partner

Through social networks, a couple of women from the LGBTIQ+ community reported that they were subdued and beaten by elements of the Monterrey police during a breathalyzer operation in the municipality’s bar area, when they were preparing to call their relatives to notify them that one of them would be detained.

The singer ‘Lucio’ denounced with a video through her Instagram account (@aluciok) that she and her partner, Andrea, were attacked by the Monterrey police in the early hours of Sunday, November 19 after being detained at a checkpoint in where one of them tested positive.

Karen Lucio, also author of the book ‘And, Now What?’, narrated in the video that the checkpoint was located in the bar area of Barrio Antiguo, where she and her partner left after having two beers, upon arriving at the checkpoint between Juan Ignacio Ramón and Zaragoza streets, were analyzed and Andrea came back positive.

After they made the ruling and detained Lucio’s partner’s vehicle, at approximately 1:50 in the morning, both women complied with the police orders and then began calling their relatives by phone to ask for help and let them know that Andrea I would be detained.

At that moment, the police began to pull and wrestle Andrea by her arm, assuring that “they were no longer going to wait for her,” so Lucio asked them not to attack her and got between her partner and the elements so that they won’t hurt her; At that moment six police officers subdued both women.

Police threaten and mock Lucio
The artist claims that the police punched and kicked her in the face, in the ribs and all over her body, which is why the Instagram video shows images and videos of the blows and bruises caused by the attack by the Monterrey police officers, who also made fun of her by telling her that she looked like a man.

During the attacks, Karen, Andrea and a witness managed to capture images of the attacks, but the elements took away their cell phones so they could erase the evidence. Afterwards, one of the police officers threatened Lucio by telling her that she was going to hit her if her partner did not erase the image, the last photograph he took.

“I’m going to beat you… if she doesn’t delete that photo,” the police officer told Lucio, who asks for the help of Javier Navarro, current head of the government of Nuevo León, Luis Donaldo Colosio, municipal president of Monterrey, current candidate for the presidency of Mexico, Samuel García and his wife Mariana Rodríguez.

“We do not make this call only because we belong to the LGBT+ community, because we are women, but we are also citizens and we want to assert our rights; We request the permanent removal of these elements and that a judgment be issued corresponding to the law. If something happens to us, we hold the authorities in charge of public safety and roads in the municipality of Monterrey fully responsible,” Lucio mentioned in the video.

Source: Publimetro