Crafts and fashion: cultural ties that unite Mexico and Japan


Every year 50 Mexicans travel to Japan to enhance their knowledge in a specific area of study.

Many people dream of studying abroad, a dream that can be cut short due to different circumstances. Despite this, there are a wide variety of programs and support that can make said project come to fruition; An example of this is the Cooperation Program for the Training of Human Resources in the Global Strategic Partnership that exists between Japan and Mexico.

The aforementioned program consists of each year 50 Mexicans traveling to Japan and vice versa, 50 Japanese arrive to Mexico as scholarship holders, with the aim of having stays in companies and institutions where they can specialize in knowledge pertaining to their area of study so that, when the beneficiaries return to their country of origin, they can apply what they have learned and have a broader vision about their field.

Recently, after completing their scholarship, three Mexicans returned to their native country, while two Japanese girls arrived in Mexico a couple of weeks ago to learn about the culture of our country. With different visions and renewed perspectives, they shared their experience.

Cultural exchange between Mexico and Japan

Fashion and the world of crafts are something that has linked Mexico with Japan for many years, and it is something that Yukiko Uscanga, a young Mexican who is a fashion designer, and during her stay in the Asian country, noted that she learned about arts and bamboo design, in addition to having the opportunity to experiment with a material known as Kawaura, which is used to make Japanese fabric.

Ernesto Moreno is another young Mexican who undertook the trip to Japan for a year, where he specialized in business creation and innovation ecosystems in the city of Takamatsu. The young man revealed that he is dedicated to working with indigenous artisans, which is why he came to the country to specialize in this field.

Furthermore, he pointed out that in Mexico it is common for people to want to haggle a lot over the cost of crafts, so he invites us to raise awareness about the importance of rescuing what has made Mexican culture ancient for so long.

“It includes six months of work, people who live off of it, children who barely have enough to eat and go to school; So, if you don’t like the product, just don’t buy it, but it is part of your culture and it is a result so it is essential to know yourself and know your country and culture,” he stressed.

Avisag Quetzalli, another of the Mexican scholarship recipients in this program, also learned a lot from her during her stay in Japan; Her main professional development was in the areas of production, quality and improvement. The young woman commented that the Japanese always seek to improve things, that if they do something well, the next day they seek to do it even better.

Regarding the opinion of the three Mexicans about what Mexico could implement from the culture of Japan, they highlighted that it could be identity and love for art and design, in addition to the union and integration of people, companies and institutions, to create a functional collective project, where everyone participates equally.

On the other hand, the young women from Japan who are currently learning about Mexican culture are Sakira Nakamura and Nao Murata.

Nao Murata is a young woman who came to Mexico with the aim of perfecting herself in the Spanish language to teach classes to Japanese people living in Mexico.

The economist, Sakira Nakamura, announced that the main reason why she is currently in Mexico is because she wants to learn about the educational system, to locate the benefits and opportunities of this type of teaching.

Source: Infobae