Bullfights return to CDMX: Supreme Court eliminates suspension and denies stopping them

The Second Chamber of the Supreme Court today unanimously revoked the suspension for bullfighting to return to CDMX.

Although bullfighting in Mexico City was suspended in 2022, the Second Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation revoked the suspension today so that this activity returns to the country’s capital.

Unanimously, the ministers of the Supreme Court authorized the resumption of bullfighting in Plaza México, revoking a suspension that had been granted in June 2022. Likewise, they refused to grant a definitive stop.

The project was proposed by Minister Yasmín Esquivel, who wanted bullfighting to return to CDMX; However, this Wednesday, December 6, hundreds of people, animal defenders, demonstrated against the return of the so-called “fiesta brava.”

While, outside the SCJN, another demonstration was held demanding the elimination of the suspension of activities in the Bullring, where thousands of workers were left without jobs due to the lack of bullfights in this venue.

With this ruling, it is expected that bullfighting will return on December 12, as happened every year in this plaza, in addition to the fact that the season begins on this date.

Last year, the Animal Welfare Commission in the capital’s Congress had approved an initiative to reform the animal protection law aimed at prohibiting “public shows in which animals are subjected to acts of mistreatment and cruelty that lead to their death”. Among them were “shows in which bulls, steers and calves are mistreated, tortured or deprived of their lives.”

Sonora, the first state in Mexico to ban bullfighting

In Mexico, the first state to prohibit bullfighting was Sonora, in the north, in 2013, followed by three others: Guerrero, Coahuila and Quintana Roo. Meanwhile, other states proudly maintain the party with the best posters of the moment, such as Aguascalientes.

In 2019, there was already a majority of the population in favor of the ban and President Andrés Manuel López Obrador himself said at that time that a popular consultation could be held so that citizens could speak out. However, the issue remained ‘frozen’.

The fight of animal defenders has been growing both in Spain and in Latin America and generally it has been local or state authorities that have been carrying out the bans.

In Catalonia, Spain, there have been no bullfights for more than a decade, and in Bogotá, the capital of Colombia, another very bullfighting country, there will be no bullfighting season because no businessman showed up to carry it out.

Source: El Financiero