Christmas season begins in San Miguel de Allende with the lighting of the tree


The ride of a Christmas train for the little ones, in addition to the presentation of characters alluding to the season; The live carols, the Christmas show and the pyrotechnics show were part of the activities that dressed this moment in the Best Small City in the World

San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato.- With Mayor Mauricio Trejo leading the “Lighting of the Tree,” the Best Small City in the World began the Christmas season.

Surrounded by San Miguel families and visitors, the municipal president witnessed how the spirit of unity and joy was felt in San Miguel de Allende with the traditional “Lighting of the Tree.”

“This is the third lighting of the tree that we did and every time they tell us to take advantage of the time because time flies, it really is true. A year ago we were lighting the beautiful tree and it seems like it went like water through our hands. I want to say to all those who were at last year’s tree lighting and who lost a loved one that: this year’s lighting means remembering that person we lost and who was not enough for us this year and for all of us who can pass by the entire year that it means to remember, because there is nothing better than family, close friends and all those people we love very much. December is a very beautiful month, because, although we do not want it between us, it is a feeling of friendship, a feeling of making peace with those who want to do it, but we do not dare to ask for forgiveness,” said Mauricio Trejo.

Furthermore, the President said he was the luckiest person to have known the people of San Miguel during the thunder that is entering its final stage: “A period begins that culminates in its maximum splendor on the night of the 24th, but I am delighted with the life of being able to do this third lighting of the Christmas tree, of the company of you, of my daughters. Let them know that every year I did it with great affection for my beloved San Miguel, for all of you, and that it was a pleasure to have served as municipal president. I am the luckiest man, without a doubt, in this country.”

In this moment of joy, the mayor was accompanied by his daughters Natalia, Rebeca and Valentina, with whom he made the final count that, when it reached zero, more than 16,500 San Miguel residents, visitors and tourists were dazzled to see how the Christmas tree It was lit on the esplanade of the Main Garden.

The ride of a Christmas train for the little ones, in addition to the presentation of characters alluding to the season; The live carols, the Christmas show and the pyrotechnics show were part of the activities that dressed this moment in the Best Small City in the World.

Finally, to close a perfect night, the Government of San Miguel shared with the citizens a delicious dinner, full of: tamales, atoles and the delivery of Christmas bonuses to all those who gathered.

 Source: La Silla Rota