Mexican pride! 13-year-old boy graduates as a Pharmacist Biologist in Guadalajara


At 13 years old, Ian Emmanuel González Santos received his university degree, and is the youngest graduate in the history of the University of Guadalajara (UdeG), considered one of the 10 most important universities in the country.

The teenager completed his bachelor’s degree in Chemical Pharmaceutical Biology at the University Center of Exact Sciences and Engineering, and a master’s degree, and will begin his doctorate in January.

He entered higher education when he was only 9 years old, “my story is a combination of dreams and sacrifices, pandemic, hard work, ridicule, but also many satisfactions and achievements, a year before I had come to a talk at this center, and I knew that I wanted to be here because it would give me the knowledge that I needed and wanted.

He acknowledges that some of his classmates and teachers looked at him with disbelief, and others as a specimen, “it is possible to do whatever you set your mind to, I did the International Master’s degree in Molecular Biology and Cytogenetics, taken alternately at the Esneca Business School; now I will start to study my doctorate in Molecular Biology and Genetics. I want to become the youngest person to complete a doctorate and be an example for other children in the country.”

The young professional says that when he finishes his studies he wants to work as a geneticist, “I see myself with a doctorate and working with CRISPR/Cas9,” the boy alluded to the laboratory instrument used to change or edit pieces of a cell’s DNA.

Ian Emmanuel was born in Puerto Vallarta Jalisco, he has hobbies typical of his age, such as cartoons and soccer, he is an admirer of Cristiano Ronaldo; His mother, Sandra Santos, says that he learned to read at the age of 3, at the age of 9 she graduated from high school in her Natal Puerto Vallarta, “he is working on research to degrade PET plastic with the help of a bacteria to improve the environment”, but also plays sports, and has participated in local and national competitions.

Ian practices parkour, and in the academic field he has participated in more than 40 courses and diplomas with the signatures of important rectors of important universities.

 Source: Nacion 321