Trend reversal in Covid cases in Jalisco

The last week of 2023 closed with 32 new cases of Covid-19 in the Entity, a decrease of 39.6 percent in relation to the figures registered in the epidemiological week 51, when 53 new cases were counted, according to data from Radar Jalisco of the State Health Secretariat.

This figure is, in addition, one of the lowest in infections throughout the year, only below weeks 45 (from November 5 to 11) and 44 (from October 29 to November 4), when 30 and 31 cases were registered, respectively.

In the last week of the year, no deaths were recorded due to this disease, so 2023 closed with 239 deaths due to the virus, being December 18 the day on which the last death of the year was registered.

MURAL had published on December 29 that, of this number of deceased, 51.1 percent had high blood pressure; 40.1 percent, diabetes; and 23.2 percent, obesity.

Until January 31, the IMSS will be applying free vaccines against Covid-19 to older adults in the drive thru module located at Plaza Brasil, between the Jalisco Stadium and the Nuevo Progreso Bullring.

The biological can also be purchased in businesses such as Farmacias Guadalajara, a company that announced last week that it would market the doses of the Pfizer pharmaceutical company for a cost of 840 pesos.

Source: Mural