Using Banks, Credit Cards & ATMs in Mexico


There’s a whole new generation of credit card skimmers at Walmart et al that are surprisingly good…

Can you spot the fake…  from the real one?

Credit Card Skimmer

Because the thieves have to snap the skimmer mask over to the real credit card reader,   the fake ~skimmer~  is a little wider, and a little taller.

Thanks to Krebs on Security for their ongoing excellent work…

Confused about the ins and outs of changing money in Mexico and the USA, how to get reliable exchange rates, plus some of the nitty-gritty details on how the credit card, bank debit cards, currency exchange, and ATM systems work? Rather than a dry discourse of scads of financial details and jargon that make our eyes glaze over,  we’re going to try to give you some tricks to make managing your travel dollars easy and well.

Click here to read the complete original article on Yucalandia

Source: Yucalandia

The Yucatan Post