English filmmaker will film his new movie in Durango; will have local staff and actors

Leigh Marling highlighted that they have an austere budget, but they do it because of the love they have for Durango.

Leigh Marling realizará un largometraje en el territorio de Durango. (Especial)

Leigh Marling, English film director, announced that he will have to make a feature film in the territory of Durango, but also have a local staff and actors, and it is because it is a place that greatly helps his productions, such as a short film. which has won various awards around the world.

What is it about?

The interviewee commented that the production will be with the story of a girl who is kidnapped in the entity, and the entire odyssey that is finding her. He acknowledged that it is a low-budget independent film, but it will not affect the quality of the film proposal.

“We are working on a project that, two years ago we made a film here in Durango, it is called Ana Paula, and we have many successes with awards and other things, and then we are going to develop a new project, the same themes, as this feature film, it is a story from Durango. The team is from Durango, the actors are from Durango, and everything is for Durango.”

He indicated that the plot has to do with a woman who is kidnapped, and she had to enter the world of the sex industry in a forced manner.

“The theme is about a girl who has many problems with her life, it is very bad, she is kidnapped to work in the sex industry, but she is a very strong woman and she, little by little, escaped and gained her freedom.”
Little budget
And he highlighted that she has an austere budget, but she does it because of the love she has for Durango, which has a significant number of locations.

“It’s not a very big budget, and it’s because I’m in Durango and I really like Durango, but we can make a very good and cheap project to film.”
Another point mentioned by the interviewee was in the sense that it is a purely independent film, and that he makes it in Durango because it has the necessary elements to make it a good film.

“It’s for movies. In English it is an Indie film, an independent film.”

One of the topics on which he placed the most emphasis was the sense that he has found in Durango all the necessary inputs.

He finally commented that his latest work carried out in Durango has won various awards around the world.

“I think today at least six, seven, but they are continuing in festivals around the world, we won in Spain, in the United States and in Italy.”

Source: milenio