Massacre in Guanajuato: 4 women and 2 babies shot dead inside a neighborhood


Two armed men entered the neighborhood and without saying a word began shooting at the six people who were in the house.

Tan solo el fin de semana hubo 33 homicidios en el estado

Four women and two children were shot to death on the night of Sunday, June 9, in a neighborhood in León, Guanajuato.

Authorities reported that the victims of this massacre were four women and two babies: one of approximately one year old and the other only three months old.

Neighbors reported that a group of National Guard members arrived at the neighborhood and searched the place; however, minutes later the massacre occurred.

According to the report from the Guanajuato authorities, the multiple homicide occurred around 11 pm in the neighborhood located on Pénjamo Street, between Celaya and Salvatierra, in the Industrial neighborhood.

How did the multiple murder occur in a Guanajuato neighborhood?
Initial reports indicate that two armed men arrived at one of the homes in this neighborhood, forced their way in, and without saying a word began shooting at the six people who were in the home.

The subjects left the neighborhood after committing the multiple murder and escaped in a van. Until the last official report, there is no knowledge of the capture of the aggressors.

The neighbors notified the authorities and when the paramedics arrived, they found the four women and the two minors without vital signs. The six victims died due to the severity of the gunshot wounds.

It was reported that three of the murdered women lived in said neighborhood along with the two minors. “At the scene, shell casings from a short and long weapon were seized, the chain of custody was established and the scene was handed over to the experts,” said the municipal authority.

Elements of the National Guard and the Mexican Army arrived at the scene of the massacre and began a search operation for the murderers, but were unsuccessful.

Witnesses told the authorities that minutes before the massacre, agents of the National Guard arrived to check the place where the four women and the two children were massacred.

The National Guardsmen withdrew and minutes later the massacre of the six people was recorded. Local media reported that this testimony was confirmed by the investigating authorities.

Experts and criminal investigation agents from the State Attorney General’s Office processed the crime scene and began investigations to clarify this family massacre and find those responsible.

Source: elfinanciero