Layda Sansores claims that the election results in the capital of Campeche are fraudulent

With the challenges of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena) and Jamile Moguel Coyoc, former candidate for municipal president for said party, to the election won by Biby Rabelo de la Torre, the governor of Campeche Layda Sansores San Román accused on Jaguar Tuesday that there was electoral fraud in which officials from the Electoral Councils participated.

The governor mentioned again that there was vote buying, shock groups, mobilization of municipal officials and people linked to Movimiento Ciudadano to take people to the polls, as well as alleged buying of consciences of officials from the National Electoral Institute (INE), as well as the Electoral Institute of the State of Campeche (IEEC), whom she accused of being accomplices of MC.

Layda Sansores assured that they will go to the last consequences and investigate the members of the General Council of the IEEC, as well as those of the electoral councils during the process, since they also denounced that there were city hall workers operating inside the bodies, this despite the fact that the state government had people working in said autonomous bodies.

In this sense, Sansores San Román stressed that she hopes the challenge by Jamile Moguel and Morena is solid and in a few days they resolve to remove the mayor’s office from Movimiento Ciudadano, since she assures that the people do not agree with these results, and that is why they know that there was a tremendous theft of the election in the state capital.

It should be noted that the local districts belonging to the capital and the municipality of Tenabo, since district seven is shared in both municipalities, were won by Movimiento Ciudadano, and in the seventh district the legal groups of the party – who requested the recount and review of votes – demonstrated that there was an attempt to disguise a victory for the Morena candidate, Omar Talango Cervantes.

Likewise, at that time, Movimiento Ciudadano compiled a series of irregularities among which the presidency of the municipal Electoral Council of Champotón stands out in the hands of an employee of the city hall governed by Morena, as well as the arrest of a director of the Technological University of Campeche Calakmul headquarters, where the official was driving around in a vehicle with large amounts of cash.

Regarding the latter, the governor did not mention anything about it on Jaguar Tuesday and assured that they would fight a legal battle to win the municipality of Campeche at the table.

Source: jornada