During the past weekend, the mayors and local deputies elected from Morena, PVEM, and PT participated in training workshops with their party leaders, where a significant problem emerged: the lack of knowledge about the functions of legislators and municipal authorities.
This is likely something that surfaces in every government period and affects all parties, but this time, according to some attendees, it was noticeable that several future officials do not know the basic concepts of public administration.
The “closed-door” sessions, held separately, took the form of “political training workshops, legislative work, and municipal public administration,” including the handover processes.
The part related to the mayors was coordinated by Edgardo Medina Rodríguez, a former Welfare official, and the part related to the deputies was led by Luis Hevia Jiménez, expelled from the PRI due to his support for Morena.
Diario de Yucatan’s sources claim that many upcoming municipal presidents did not know what a Cabildo act is, and some even questioned the presence of PAN members in the councils they will head, which prompted an explanation that it is by law that they must have opposition councilors.
Some asked why they have to pay accounting firms to manage their finances. All this leads more than one to wonder if they did not expect to win and therefore have no or little preparation.
Source: Diario de Yucatan