93 Mexican films will compete at the Morelia Festival

The Morelia International Film Festival presented this Friday its official selection of films that will compete in its 22nd edition, where 93 completely Mexican projects were announced.

17 works were chosen in the Michoacan section, made up of 16 short films and one feature film; 53 titles in the Mexican Short Film section, 14 animation, nine documentaries and 30 fiction; 14 titles in the Mexican Documentary section and nine titles in the Mexican Documentary section.

Of the registered works, 29 percent were made by female directors, 41 percent were directed by women and 28 projects were made by directors from indigenous communities.

The FICM will take place from October 18 to 27.
Short Film

  • Aire | Guillermo Aranda
  • Andrea | D. Alexander
  • Party Day | Juan Carlos Oñate Chirot
  • Two or Three Things I Know About an Aquarius | Diego Cortés
  • At the Farthest Threshold | Canek Miguel González Jiménez
  • The Guardian | Verónica Maciel
  • Until the Soul Dances | Karla D. Oceguera
  • Imprint | Rafael Martínez-García
  • Mintzita, Interfered Landscapes and Breaths | Celina Manuel
  • Not Today | Juan Paulín
  • Landscapes of Value | Artemisa Carvajal Barragan
  • The Perfect Fit | Marianed Soria, Maeva Chalier, Pauline Petit, Nour Fennice, Ipsita Manna, Leyah Stiffler, Sasha Woolley
  • First, Dream | Socorro Lira, Andrés Lira
  • The Sun Is in My Eyes | Pablo Tapia Pla
  • Soliloquies | Bernardo Rugama
  • Only the Dead Know | Andrés Alonso Ayala

Feature Film

Diplodocus | Gastón Rodríguez Hernández


  • Adarmia: The Language of Other Eyes | Ruy Mascarúa
  • Aferrado | Esteban Azuela
  • Anima Natura | Andrea Gudiño
  • Blue Chronicles | Miguel Anaya Borja
  • Dolores | Cecilia Andalón Delgadillo
  • The Collector | Alex Pelayo
  • Fulgores | Andrés Palma
  • The Black Spot | Yareni Velázquez Mendoza
  • Cen’s Piñata | Víctor Hugo Cervantes Guzmán
  • The Hidden | Monserrat Soldú
  • Memory of a Displaced Body | Mariana Mendivil
  • Fear | Ángel Iván González de la macorra Pérez
  • Nothing Always | Gabriela Anaid López Ruiz
  • Being a Seed | Julia Granillo Tostado


  • Amelia. Living Treasures of the Mud | Diego Mier y Terán Giménez Cacho
  • Looking for a Donkey | Juan Vicente Manrique
  • David (For Now) | Humberto Flores Jáuregui
  • Until We Find Them | Jean Chapiro
  • The March of the Lichen | Tania Ximena
  • Skate Territory | Belén Guzmán Mendoza
  • Those Next to Us | Bernhard Hetzenauer
  • Tzintzuntzan | Nicolás Echeverría
  • Belly of the Moon | Liliana K’an


  • 25° 45′ 32″ | Dahet Castro
  • Aguacuario | Jose Eduardo Castilla Ponce
  • Amos, Vogel | Iñaki Miranda
  • Cobalt | Julian Hernandez
  • Running the Risk of Childhood | Luis Fernando Portales Ruiz
  • Behind the Veil | Valentina Santillan
  • The Incredible Summer of Jesus | Sebastian Diaz Barriga
  • The Limit of the Body | Berenice Ubeda Alzaga
  • El Paisa | Daniel Eduvijes Carrera
  • The Place where you are also | Carlos Hernandez Vazquez
  • Elevation | Gabriel Esdras
  • She Stays | Marinthia Gutierrez
  • Brothers | Miguel Perez Castelazo
  • Failed Attempts to Embrace | Sergio Diaz Ochoa
  • Going to Return | Paulina Urreta
  • Far from the Sea | Giovanny Garcia
  • Tide | Ximena Lamadrid, Julian Lamadrid
  • Shipwrecked | Andrea Saavedra de la Teja
  • Hawk Child Sleeps Among Visions of a Fire | Mauricio Sáenz-Cánovas
  • It’s Not Japan | Rodolfo Rojano
  • Passarinho | Natalia García Agraz
  • Prologue and Epilogue | Dinazar Urbina Mata
  • I Want to Crash Dry Against the Windshield of Love | Fernanda Tovar
  • Repatriated | Moises Bazbaz
  • Saving Mika from the Water | Michelle Olivares
  • Sofia | Ramón Naranjo Carrillo
  • Spiritum | Adolfo Margulis
  • All the Wrath of the World | Daniel Humberto Campos Ramírez
  • All Your Moments | Guillermo Reyes Campos
  • Business Trip | Gerardo Coello Escalante


  • Adjustment of Losses | Miguel Calderón
  • Come on in Mexico! Mexico will no longer exist! | Annalisa D. Quagliata Blanco
  • The Age of Water | Alfredo Alcántara, Isabel Alcántara
  • La Falla | Alana Simoes
  • Ways of Crossing a Territory | Gabriela Rubalcava
  • Goodbye Horses: The Many Lives of Q. Lazzarus | Eva Aridjis
  • Spinning Songs | Ismael Vasquez Bernabe
  • The In Between | Robie Flores
  • Lachatao | Natalia Bruschtein
  • Li Cham | Ana Ts’uyeb
  • The Freedom of Iron | Santiago Esteinou
  • Perseverance. A Documentary Essay on Tomas Sanchez | Juan Carlos Martin
  • Treaty of Invisibility | Luciana Kaplan
  • Tzofo | Salvador Martinez Chacruna
  • Chicharras | Luna Maran
  • The Kitchen | Alonso Ruizpalacios
  • A Fisherman’s Tale | Edgar Nito
  • His Father’s Son | Aaron Fernandez
  • Men of integrity | Alejandro Andrade Pease
  • Lazarus at Night | Nicolas Pereda
  • The Line | Yolanda Cruz
  • Sujo | Fernanda Valadez, Astrid Rondero
  • Violent Butterflies | Adolfo Davila

Source: reforma