The feast of all the people of Potosi; August 25, Saint Louis King of France Day

The people of Potosí celebrate their patron saint, Saint Louis King of France, on the well-known “Day of Saint Louis the King.” This date commemorates the anniversary of the death of this important figure for the community of San Luis Potosí.

Saint Louis King of France, also known as Louis IX, was born on April 25, 1214 in Poissy, near Paris. Son of Louis VIII of France and Blanche of Castile, he was a monarch noted for his deep love for the Church and his firm desire to protect and expand it. His reign was marked by his support for the construction of monasteries and the strengthening of religious orders.

At the age of 22, he was crowned king and married Margaret of Provence in 1227, with whom he had eleven children. He was an exemplary husband and father. However, his life was also marked by his efforts in the Crusades. Louis IX led two crusades against the Muslims in Egypt and Tunisia, although both were unsuccessful. On the Seventh Crusade, he managed to take the city of Damietta in Egypt, but a series of natural disasters and plague decimated his army, leading to his capture and subsequent release after the payment of a heavy ransom.

On his expedition to Tunisia, illness finally overcame him. On August 25, 1270, at the age of 56, he died in African lands, a victim of dysentery or typhoid fever, according to historians.

San Luis Rey left a legacy that transcended borders. In 1592, with the discovery of gold and silver deposits in the region of San Luis Potosí, it was decided to name the city in his honor. Since then, the people of Potosí have kept the memory of their patron saint alive, celebrating his life and work every August 25.

Source: codigosanluis