The Parthenon of Zihuatanejo welcomes national and foreign tourists


The Parthenon of this municipality opened its doors this Tuesday and received the visit of national and foreign tourists.

At 10 o’clock, the gates were opened, which are a replica of those that exist in the official residence of Los Pinos.

The design was to the taste of the then chief of the Police of Mexico City, Arturo El Negro Durazo Moreno, who began the construction of the Parthenon in 1978.

The work was completed in 1982, a place where according to urban legends large parties were held and artists and figures of national politics participated.

The wooden gates and stone statues were restored and others that were very deteriorated over time were left as they were, that is, without parts such as the head, arms or legs.

The first to enter were some foreign tourists, who observed the restored canvases alluding to Greek gods and characters of Greek mythology such as minotaurs and centaurs.

On one side of the main gate, a warehouse was placed where there were cages with iron bars where there were wild animals such as lions and tigers that were exotic pets of the then high-ranking police chief.

-Is it true that there was a tunnel that led to the beach?, a tourist asked one of the guides from the municipal Tourism Department who began this work on the property on Tuesday.

-There were, but they are already sealed, he answered. The truth is that said tunnel existed, but it did not lead to La Ropa beach, but to the scenic road to that beach.

In the place that was a dance floor, from now on it is a cafeteria that will offer that service to visitors.

Under that place there was a room that functioned as a sauna-type baths with marble benches.

The steps and the area where there was a pool now became an open-air auditorium with a capacity for around 600 people.

Behind it is the traditional Greek stone triangle construction that rests on the 33 columns that support the roof that in its years where the great parties were organized functioned as a heliport.

At El Partenón, which is now an artistic-cultural venue, there will be no entry fee this week only.

Starting next week, for local people with INE credentials it will cost 50 pesos and 100 pesos for tourists, 25 pesos for students and free for senior citizens or people with disabilities.

It was reported that the first artistic activities that are already scheduled are a painting exhibition by local artists, an opera festival, the presentation of the Army orchestra and the La Salle Philharmonic of Morelia.

Source: guerrero.quadratin