Chef asks Profeco to remove seals from gastronomy academy in La Paz


The conflicts at the La Paz International Culinary Arts Academy continue. This Wednesday, January 29, Profeco personnel went to the facilities due to an anonymous complaint and placed precautionary suspension seals; however, the school continues to offer its school services.

The observation made by the Federal Consumer Protection Agency was for not displaying the list of registration and tuition prices.

This Thursday at 12 noon, Bernard Corriveau, legal representative of the school, went to the offices of Profeco, in order to deliver to that agency a legal document with an attachment of a photo set in response to the precautionary suspension made by the authorities.

The Canadian citizen, naturalized Mexican, exclusively revealed to El Sudcaliforniano, “we had a complaint before Profeco 3 days ago which was cowardly because it was anonymous,” he considered that whoever makes an anonymous complaint does so because they do not want to show their face, or because they cannot provide evidence about their statements.

The inspectors checked the method used to register students, the documentation requested from students, as well as the method of payment, the way in which consumers can make their payments, the receipts that are issued.

Everything went well, the only anomaly they found was that there was something in the office that no one complies with, a table with the collection rates.
Bernard Corriveau

A precautionary suspension seal was placed regarding the registration and re-registration of students, but the academy will continue to operate normally. He mentioned “today I come to deliver a document that proves that the academy has already complied with what was required in the suspension order and Profeco is requested to remove the seals” because the observation of placing a table with the price list was corrected.

Regarding the issue of complaints from students who signed contracts and were being required to pay exorbitant sums of money by the academy, he mentioned that it has a registration method. First, the courses are published in the media, and when interested parties contact us, they are invited to an information session to learn about the facilities and prices.

During the interaction, interested parties are given a price sheet with discounts and promotions at different times of the year. “The student is told that this is the regular price from January to August, but if you want to register now, we have a discount.” He mentioned that the student is free to register or not, so people are free to sign or not sign or say, “Here is the contract and I can take it to my lawyer to review it.”

He pointed out that the contract acquires value once it is signed, which happens with people who attended the information session. They signed the contract, which includes a cancellation clause. In the case of wanting to cancel it, while that does not happen, “the bill runs and these people never presented a letter canceling the contract, so it is passed on to the legal department for collection.”

The chef indicated that the fault is not of the academy but of the person who signed a contract and is not complying with it, “they had the opportunity to send a cancellation letter to avoid being charged and they did not do so,” he accused that in revenge they are raising slander about the facilities, which are dirty, that the teachers do not have a degree, that it does not have official recognition of validity and even against him.

denuncia en la profeco a academia de gastronomia

Source: oem